CA: MaR2WXdkPBnFHVaWkE7kq4gMePgsTNir5F7weCfpump
the pika ninja
unleash the power of ninjachu*
ninjachu is a nimble and fierce pikachu trained in the ancient arts of ninjutsu. join our community and experience the power and agility of ninjachu the pika ninja.
launch the $ninjachu token and start building the community.
integrate with major exchanges and promote on social media platforms.
introduce staking options and expand the ninjachu ecosystem.
get the wallet trusted by our team and the crypto community*
get some sol from an exchange and have some solana in your phantom wallet*
use jupiter or raydium to swap from solana to $ninjachu tokens*
your $ninjachu should now be in your wallet* come join our community!